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December 13 , 2011 Tuesday

Sany Thailand Helps Dealers Survive Flood Crisis

Having gone through political turmoil, fierce war and economic recession, Thailand had a difficult year in 2011. The major floods in July even worsened the situation. Japanese companies in Thailand, including Toyota and Toshiba, as well as some Chinese companies have suffered great losses. 
When the flood first came, Sany Thailand was fully aware of the serious situation and made emergency plans to make sure the company survives the flood. “In the first place, we need to make sure the staff are safe; Second, we should protect the company’s properties; Third, we will help our dealers and customers to minimize losses; Fourth, we need to prepare for equipment repair after the crisis,” said a senior management, “We not only need to maintain normal business operation of the subsidiary, but also to take care of our customers.”
Sany Thailand took quick action. It purchased living necessities and worked out an evacuation plan. Once the flood reaches the company, the staff would move to a temporary office at a higher place in Chon Buri. These measures were a great comfort to the staff and families of Chinese employees.
In order to protect the company’s properties, Sany Thailand strengthened security measures. It carried out strict vehicle management and sent staff to visit the dealers regularly, making sure the machines and warehouses are all right. Before the flood crisis occurred, Sany Thailand had assisted dealers in the low-lying lands to move sample machines onto trailers and relocate spare parts to higher floors.
Sany has three dealers in Thailand, MAXCRANE, THAISUN and THAIYONT. With help from Sany, MAXCRANE transported all the equipment to Chon buri Province, THAISUN moved its office to Ratcha Buri, and THAIYONT placed all the equipment onto trailers. Fortunately, none of these dealers suffered any loss in the crisis. 
Moreover, Sany Thailand actively contacted its customers to learn about their situation. Knowing that all the 10 Sany cranes of an important customer UNIQUE were all drowned, Sany Thailand offered help immediately. It assisted UNIQUE to evaluate the equipment damages and helped it pursue a claim to the insurance company. In addition, it listed all the spare parts to be replaced and required engineers from both Sany and its dealer to get prepared for post-crisis maintenance as soon as the flood is gone.
According to the data released by the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Thailand on Nov 30th, during the four months of the flood crisis, the death toll reached 661 and Thailand suffered severe economic loss. In the next stage, Thailand is going to take post-crisis reconstruction measures. Xie Feng, general manager of Sany Thailand, hopes that Sany can play a more important role in the reconstruction phase and help building Thailand a more beautiful country.

Sany Thailand service engineers helps to place the excavator onto the board to protect it from the flood

UNIQUE’s cranes in the water

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